Friday, March 25, 2011

Sometimes being a strong black woman is not the best thing to be

I agree that nowadays black women have to be strong in order to make it in this world and in business. But there are times when I do feel that black women need to kinda let go of the reigns of life and be more sensitive and kind. I have met some women who feel like they have to be strong 24/7. I met one woman who said that she had to be that way because life had treated her so badly. Another told me that she was that wayt because of past relationships. Whatever the reason may be, it is okay to be strong but if you want poeple to care about you and most of all,love you,you have to let those walls down. I won't say that you won't be hurt,but if you keep those walls up,not only are you keeoing people out,but you are keeping God out as well. ONE.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Giving the black man a chance

We live in a world unfortunately where the Black man is still mistreated. I mean in both education,postion in companies,you name it. We still have a long way to go in order for the Black man in America to ever get a fare share. I was watching the tv news one day and they were doing a story about a JOB FAIR. They showed the long line of people waiting to get inside. Over 95% of the people waiting to get inside were black and male. I was actually stunned. I was like wow. Something definitely need to be done. I know for sure that there are talented Black men here in America that can make a difference. But the question is will America ever give the Black man a chance? I know we have a Black man as President so we are going in the right direction,but we definitely still got a long way to go. ONE.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

First Post: How a REAL Black man should treat a woman

I know we live in a world where REAL men are becoming a rarity. We have men treating women like sex objects and even garbage. We live in a world where men use women for all kinds of horrible things and reasons. We beat,rape,molest,bring down and literally tare down the very inner spirit of women. But yet if a man was to dare touch our mothers,sisters,wives, aunts, or any other women that are close to us, we want to rip their head off. Well I say it is TIME to start to treasure our women. It is TIME that we protect our ladies for they make us who we are. God blessed us as men with women so the least we can do is love,honor and treasure our women. We should start teaching them as young girls so they may grow into the mature classy respectful ladies that we would like to have in our world. We are so quick to call women whores and bitches but yet the behavior that we are describing when we call them those names were learned from us as men. Maybe just maybe if we would really and truly start loving our women and teaching them the proper way to carry themselves then instead of calling them bitches and whores,we can call them ladies and who knows maybe even President. ONE>